Production Retorts

Designed by thermal process specialists and engineers, Allpax provides the most diverse offering of batch retorts available to manufacturers of shelf-stable, low acid canned foods (LACF). Our line of production retorts are designed to provide even temperature distribution and rapid come-up times for increased throughput. Agitated retort capabilities include rotary end-over-end and horizontal reciprocation affording improved product quality in all container types.

Allpax offers production retort machines (autoclaves) as well as retort room machinery and accessories to the food manufacturing industry. This diverse line of batch retorts includes the:

  • 1600 Shaka retort machine
  • 1550 Gentle Motion jumbo retort machine
  • Static and agitated DualMode retort machine

Allpax offers these batch retorts as part of our automated batch retort systems (ABRS). Contact us today to learn more about these production retort machines.

Steam retort machines from Allpax are available for all types of products.

The water immersion retort machines from Allpax are designed to process all types of jars, bottles and cans.

With improvements, these retort machines deliver chilled or aseptic quality at shelf stable costs.

A versatile line of overpressure retort machines offered in a variety of sizes, and capable of processing a wide range of container and product types.

Perfect for pouches, trays, and other horizontally-oriented containers.

All the great features of our Static Water Spray Retorts, but with the added benefit of providing end-over-end agitation.

The new feature rich Rotary Steam-Air retort from Allpax offers rugged construction and high capacity to producers of shelf stable products packaged in horizontally oriented fragile containers.

ImmersaFlow is a new immersion process proven to be very effective in static overpressure water immersion retort applications

A truly versatile retort platform, Allpax Dual-Mode Saturated Steam/Water Spray retorts do the work of multiple lines with one platform.